Psalms and canticles

Many churches, sadly, no longer use psalms, scripture's very own songbook, as a regular, scheduled part of their worship.

Why might this be so? Often it is because the traditionally assumed musical styles and culture are thought by many, alas mistakenly, to be at variance with those of today's churches. The article How long, O Lord? discusses this in more detail.

So these settings, in many styles, specifically try to bridge this gap, across churches large and small, traditional and modern. Unless otherwise indicated, these psalms employ a responsorial structure to make learning and teaching as unobtrusive as possible. And, of course, they are freely available for Internet download.

Words: Usually my own adaptation. Although reasonably close to biblical sources, the metrical nature of these settings inevitably imposes some paraphrasing. Several have a trinitarian doxology appended; this should be regarded as optional.

Music: Styles range widely from traditional organ-based to music-group. Unless otherwise indicated they can be adapted to whatever resources are locally available. A moderate pianist and solo singer should be able to lead most of them. Some include an optional descant.

Liturgy matters: The choice of settings largely reflects the major seasons for the Church of England Common Worship Principal Service and the Revised Common Lectionary, particularly from Advent through to Pentecost and Trinity Sunday.

Psalm Title Score Audio Example Bulletin CCLI ref Comments
Psalm 1 The way of the sinful disappears to dust PDF   PDF 4680617  
Psalm 4 Answer me, hear my plea PDF Video[1]   4793580  
Psalm 8 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name PDF   PDF 4680624  
Psalm 14 O that your salvation and your rescue PDF Audio[2]     Tune based on the Advent plainchant Rorate Caeli and in gentle 5/8 time. Paraphrase touches on Romans 3:23 "…falling short of God's glory".

  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
See also Psalm 53 and Rorate Caeli.
Psalm 15 Who may live, O Lord, in your dwelling place? PDF Video[1] PDF 4680662  
Psalm 16 Guard me, Lord, for in you I take shelter PDF        
Psalm 17:1–9 Hear, Lord, my cry for justice PDF Audio[4] PDF 4680875 A lament.
Psalm 18:18–26 He reached down from on high PDF     2651655 Some jazz harmony
Psalm 18:27–38 For you, Lord, are the light above me PDF     2651648 See 18:18–26
Psalm 19:1–6 Throughout the universe, we see PDF Video[1] PDF 4680882  
Psalm 19:7–14 May the words of my mouth PDF Video[5]


PDF 2651662 Choral style.

  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
  • Psalms of Grace[6]
Psalm 22:25–31 In the midst of your great congregation PDF Audio[4] PDF 2651679 Can be entirely congregational.
Psalm 24 Lift up your heads, O you gates PDF   PDF 2400813 Published: Worship Live, Stainer & Bell, Autumn 1998
Psalm 25:1–10 To you, O Lord, I lift up my spirit PDF   PDF 2963068  
Psalm 27:1–9 God is my light PDF Video[1] PDF 2400710  
Psalm 29 Ascribe to the Lord, O high hosts of heaven PDF   PDF   The paraphrase tries to retain some of the distinctive Ancient Near East cultural setting of the psalm. The tune is a minor variant of that at Ps.104.
Psalm 29 Acclaim the Lord, you heavenly powers PDF       Hymn style.
Psalm 30 Mourning into dancing (I will extol your name, O Lord) PDF Video[1]   4680954 Detailed with music group songs
Psalm 31:9–16 Make your face to shine upon your servant PDF   PDF 4680961  
Psalm 32 You are my hiding-place PDF   PDF 4680978  
Psalm 32 Happy the one whose transgression is forgiven PDF       Anglican chant style.
Psalm 33 Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous PDF       Anglican chant style.
Psalm 34:11–20 Come, my children, and listen to me PDF   PDF 4680985 Suitable for Mothering Sunday
Psalm 34 O magnify the Lord with me (I will bless the Lord)         4667496 Detailed with congregational songs
Psalm 36:5–10 How precious is your unfailing love, O God PDF Audio[2] PDF 4680992 Published:
  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
  • Lift Up Your Hearts[7]
Psalm 40:1–11 He has put a new song into my mouth PDF   PDF    
Psalm 42 As the deer longs for the running streams PDF     5063484 Unaccompanied (unison, chant-like).
Psalm 47 God has gone up PDF Audio[8] (music group)

Audio[2] (choral)
PDF 4681001 Condensed text with New Testament ideas. Ideal for Ascension. Published:
  • Baseline, MWF Summer 2000
  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
  • Season by Season[9]
Psalm 50:1–6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness PDF   PDF 2400796 Same tune as Ps.19:1-6, which also demonstrates a recording of the tune.
Psalm 53 O that your salvation and your rescue PDF       Tune based on the Advent plainchant Rorate Caeli and in gentle 5/8 time. Paraphrase touches on Romans 3:23 "…falling short of God's glory".

See also Psalm 14 and Rorate Caeli.
Psalm 54 Save me, O God PDF       Anglican chant style.
Psalm 59 I will sing of your strength PDF        
Psalm 60 O God, you have cast us off and broken us PDF       Anglican chant style.
Psalm 61 Hear my crying, O God PDF       Anglican chant style.
Psalm 62 My soul waits for God in the silence PDF Video[10]   4681018  
Psalm 63 O God, you are my God PDF   PDF    
Psalm 66:1–12 Make a joyful noise to God PDF   PDF 4681032  
Psalm 66:8–20 Rejoice in God, you peoples PDF
      Hymn tune: Thaxted (Gustav Holst)
Psalm 67 Let the peoples praise you, O God PDF   PDF 4681070  
Psalm 67 Let the peoples praise you, O Lord our God (God of mercy) PDF     4667513 Congregational song
Psalm 67 May God bestow on us his grace PDF Video[11]     Tune: Elvet Banks published in Lutheran Service Book.[12]
Psalm 70 God, make speed to save us PDF   PDF 4681087 Published:
  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
  • Christian Worship Psalter[13]
Psalm 72:1–7, 18–19 Give to your King your judgment, O God (So may he judge) PDF Video[14] PDF 4681094 Published: Worship Live, Stainer & Bell, Autumn 2001
Psalm 72:1, 10–end Give to your King your judgment, O God (Kings from the east) PDF   PDF 4681128 Epiphany emphasis in paraphrase
Psalm 73:21–28 Whom have I but you in the heavens? PDF        
Psalm 80:1–8 Restore us again, O Lord God of hosts PDF   PDF 2400789 Blues. Ideal for Advent. Published:
  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
Psalm 82 Arise, O God, and judge the earth PDF        
Psalm 84 How lovely is your dwelling place PDF     4667544 Can be entirely congregational
Psalm 85 You once favoured, Lord, your people PDF       Hymn tune Mannheim: entirely congregational
Psalm 91:1–12 The Lord himself is your refuge PDF   PDF 2400703  
Psalm 93 God is King! The Lord is reigning PDF     4664815 In hymn style
Psalm 95 Come let us sing for joy to the Lord PDF   PDF 4667568 Can be entirely congregational
Psalm 96 Sing unto the Lord a fresh, new song PDF
      Tune: Theme from Elgar's First Symphony.
Psalm 97 You, O Lord, are most high above the earth PDF   PDF 4681245 For John Pritchard on his appointment as Archdeacon of Canterbury.
Psalm 98 Sing alleluias to the Lord text   Video[15]     Hymn tune Lasst Uns Erfreuen: entirely congregational
Psalm 99 Sovereign Lord, let nations tremble PDF
      Hymn tune Regent Square: entirely congregational
Psalm 103 Bless, O my soul, the living God PDF       Hymn style. Words: Isaac Watts; tune: Wharton Park. Published: In Melody and Songs.[16]
Psalm 103 O bless the Lord, my soul PDF       Hymn style. Words: Isaac Watts; tune Kingsgate Bridge. Published: In Melody and Songs.[16]
Psalm 104:1–10 Bless, the Lord, O my soul PDF   PDF   The tune is a minor variant of that at Ps.29.
Psalm 104:24–34 When you send your Spirit PDF   PDF 4682220 Suitable for Pentecost
Psalm 108 My heart is ready, O God PDF       Anglican chant style.
Psalm 111 Rejoice in God, my heart PDF     4793669 In hymn style
Psalm 111 Alleluia, alleluia, Boundless in joy with one accord PDF       An A–Z acrostic setting in song form. See also 112.
Psalm 112 Alleluia, alleluia, Blessed are they who fear you, Lord PDF       An A–Z acrostic setting in song form. See also 111.
Psalm 113:1–3 God in Christ (From the rising of the sun) PDF Video[1]      
Psalm 115:1–7 Not to us, Lord PDF     2400758 Verses in chant form
Psalm 116:12–14,17–19 What shall I render to the Lord PDF     4682440 Through-composed choral song (Lutheran offertory).
Psalm 116:12–19 How shall I repay the Lord? PDF     4682488 For Maundy Thursday.
Psalm 118: 1–2, 14–29 This is the day that the Lord has made PDF         Congregation: ostinato chorus
Psalm 119 Your mercies fill the earth, O Lord PDF       Hymn style. Words: Isaac Watts; tune Clayport Gate. Published: In Melody and Songs.[16]
Psalm 119:1-8 Blessed are those who way is pure PDF       Anglican chant style. May be used for other parts of this psalm.
Psalm 119:33–38 Teach me the ways of your statutes, O Lord PDF     4682536 Written for Margaret Thrush on her ordination.
Psalm 119:169–176 May my cry come before you, O Lord PDF Video[1]   4682550 Detailed with music group songs
Psalm 121 Unto the hills will I lift up my eyes PDF   PDF 4682574  
Psalm 122 I was glad when they said to me PDF   PDF 2651693  
Psalm 126 Turn again our fortunes, O Lord PDF   PDF 4682608 N.T. allusions: "leavening the world" (Matt 13:33) with the "bread of life" (John 6:35).

  • Christian Worship Psalter[13]
Psalm 130 From deep distress and troubled thought PDF       Hymn style. Words: Isaac Watts; tune Coniscliffe. Published: In Melody and Songs.[16]
Psalm 130 If you should note what we do wrong (Out of the depths have I called to you) PDF   PDF 4682615 Published: Baseline, MWF Summer 2001
Psalm 130 Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord PDF Video[17]     Written to tune Gresford, aka "The Miners' Hymn", and reflecting its lament and solemnity. Commentary. Published:
Psalm 131 Adonai, my heart is not exalted PDF       Song of adoration, rest and hope. Text based on a translation by Rabbi Dr. Deborah Kahn-Harris.
Psalm 134 Bless the Lord as day departs PDF     4684888 In hymn style
Psalm 134 Come bless the Lord PDF     4682660 Choral anthem
Psalm 135:1–6 Praise the Lord! Praise his name! PDF     2400765 Rock 'n' roll. Can be entirely congregational
Psalm 137 By the turbid waters of Babylon PDF   PDF 4682684 This psalm of lament's original text is well-known for its 'awkward' verses. In this slightly paraphrased version, I have attempted to incorporate these with Christian justice.
Psalm 138 I will give you thanks with all my heart PDF   PDF 4682691  
Psalm 138 I give you thanks PDF     4667575 Detailed with congregational songs
Psalm 139:1–9 O Lord, thou hast searched me PDF     4682749 Detailed with music group songs
Psalm 139:1–18 O Lord, you have searched me out PDF     4682859 Anglican chant style
Psalm 139:1–18 O Lord, you have searched me out PDF       Anglican chant style, based on the "Prélude Modal" by Jean Langlais
Psalm 142 I cry aloud to the Lord PDF       Anglican chant style
Psalm 143 Listen, Lord, to my prayer PDF   PDF 4682866  
Psalm 145 All of our days we exalt you, Lord PDF Video[1]

    Psalm 145 is Hebrew acrostic. This version specifically maintains that characteristic.
Psalm 148 Alleluia! Praise the Lord O you heavens and skies PDF         Alternating soloist/group and congregation.
Bless the Lord (Song of the Three 29–34) Blest are you (Worthy to be praised) PDF         Lyrical, ostinato meditation
Benedicite (Song of the Three 35–65) Bless the Lord all you works of the Lord PDF          
Rorate Caeli (Is. 45:8 etc.) Let justice pour down PDF       Based on the Advent plainchant Rorate Caeli and in gentle 5/8 time. See also Ps.14 above.
Magnificat (Luke 1:46–55) My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord PDF   PDF    
Magnificat My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord PDF       Detailed with music group songs
Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2:29–35) My eyes have witnessed your salvation PDF     2400741  
Benedictus (Luke 1:68–79) Blessed be the Lord God of Israel PDF   PDF 4682914  
Benedictus (Luke 1:68–79) Our God and Father bless PDF     4665371 In hymn style. Tune: Pelaw Wood. Published:
  • Psalms for All Seasons[3]
  • Light on the Way[22]
Benedictus (Luke 1:68–79) Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel PDF       Christmas, Epiphany, other. Anglican chant style. Published: Cantica Nova 2.[23]
God in Christ has revealed his glory (From the rising of the sun)   PDF Video[1]      
You were in the form of God (Philippians 2:5–11)   PDF     4667599 Detailed with congregational songs. Published: Worship Live, Stainer & Bell, Autumn 2003.
Great and wonderful (Rev. 15:3–4)   PDF Audio

  4262145 Detailed with congregational songs. Published:
  • Spring Harvest 2004 songbook[24]
Easter exsultet Rejoice, heavenly powers           Detailed with anthems
Phos hilaron O radiant Light PDF       Folk tune Horkstow Grange: entirely congregational

Acknowledgement: Many were commissioned by St. John's, Nevilles Cross, Durham for use in our regular pattern of worship.

[1] Recording courtesy of Sam and Paula Denyer, St. Cuthbert's, Wells, Somerset

[2] Recording courtesy of Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, USA

[3] Psalms for All Seasons, 2012, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, ISBN 978-1-59255-444-7

[4] Recording courtesy of Church of the Servant, Michigan, USA

[5] Recording courtesy of DaySpring Baptist Church, Waco, Texas, USA

[6] Psalms of Grace, 2022, The Master's Seminary Press, ISBN 978-0-9969176-3-6

[7] Lift Up Your Hearts, 2013, Faith Alive Christian Resources, ISBN 978-1-59255-559-8

[8] Recording courtesy of All Saints, King's Heath, Birmingham

[9] Season by Season, 2008, RSCM, ISBN 978-0-85402-167-3

[10] Recording courtesy of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Santa Barbara, California, USA

[11] Recording courtesy of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, USA

[12] Lutheran Service Book, 2006, Concordia Publishing House (LCMS), ISBN 978-0-7586-1217-5

[13] Christian Worship Psalter, 2021, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), ISBN 978-0-8100-3039-8

[14] Recording courtesy of Helen Duggan and Ballarat Central Uniting Church, Victoria, Australia

[15] Recording courtesy of Kathleen Theisen, USA

[16] In Melody and Songs: Hymns from the Psalm Versions of Isaac Watts, 2014, Darcey Press, ISBN 978-1889079592

[17] Recording courtesy of Niamh Prior, Bishop Auckland Methodist Church

[18] Singing the Faith Plus, Methodist Church

[19] Durham Newslink, Jan. 2012, Diocese of Durham

[20] Demo recording courtesy of Rachel Wilhelm, USA

[21] Video courtesy of St Lawrence, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln

[22] Light on the Way, 2019, RSCM, ISBN 978-0-8540-2289-2

[23] Cantica Nova 2, 2017, Fagus Music

[24] Spring Harvest songbook, 2004, Spring Harvest, ISBN 978-1899-788484