Sovereign Lord, let nations tremble

1. Sovereign Lord, let nations tremble, God enthroned, let earth acclaim; Lord, as once you ruled from Zion, come and rule your world again. God of power, God of glory, holy Lord, we praise your name. 2. With a king's strength you love justice, firmly founding righteousness; steadfastly you moulded Jacob, wrestled him in graciousness; here we kneel before your footstool, holy Lord of faithfulness. 3. God of Moses, God of Aaron, voice to Samuel in the night, though they faltered to obey you, still you answered in their plight. Grant us grace to keep your statutes: holy Lord, lead us aright. 4. Sovereign Lord, our God who answers, be attentive to our call; God, who would by right chastise us yet would see us all restored, build us as a living temple, holy, holy, holy Lord.

Based on Psalm 99.


Suggested tune: Regent Square