The 3–2 qinah rhythm is vital to the first four chapters.
If you have ever recited nursery rhymes, or heard kids excitedly calling them out in the playground, then you already know how to do it. Here are some well-known examples and their respective rhythms. This first is in 4–3: in each line-pair the first line has four strong beats ("Ma-", "Ma-", "quite", "-tra-"), and the second has three strong beats ("how", "gar-", "grow"):
Ma | ry, | Ma | ry, | quite | con | tra | ry, | |
how | does your | gar | den | grow? | ||||
With | sil | ver | bells | and | coc | kle | shells, | |
and | pret | ty maids | all | in a | row. |
This second is in 4–4: in each line-pair, both have four strong beats.
Hush | little | ba | by, | don't | say a | word, | ||
Ma | ma's gonna | buy | you a | mock | ing | bird. | ||
And | if | that | mock | ing | bird | don't | sing, | |
Ma | ma's gonna | buy | you a | dia | mond | ring. |
The rhythm is maintained and the varying number of words simply slot naturally into place. But that said, don't be too rigid about it; give it natural fluidity.
Here are the opening verses from this rendering of Lamentations 3 in its characteristic 3–2 qinah rhythm:
Ag | onies: | I | am the man | seared | ||
by the | rod | of his | wrath; | |||
A | way— | me he | drove, | force- | marched | |
in | dark | ness, no | light; | |||
A | gainst | me, he | turns | his | hand | |
from | day- | dawn to | dusk; |
And in the final chapter, where 3–2 qinah is largely replaced by 3–3, although not entirely so, a sense of rhythm is still entirely appropriate.
Be alert to particular words that recur. A few examples: