The Church: just simple nuclear physics
Baffled by the weird goings-on within the Church of England? Let there be light!
Here's a simple, easy-to-grasp explanation, using just the most elementary subatomic physics
Standard Model.
Cathon: In early theories, originally believed to be the One, True Particle.
Vaticon: Ground state of all Cathons.
Proton: Anti-particle of the Cathon.
Lutheron: Generating function of all Protons.
Neutrino: Passes through the entire world with no discernible interaction at all.
Anglicon: Not to be confused with neutrino. See also Schrödinger's Cat(2).
Higgs: A transubstantial particle that
gives Good Mass.
Particle-wave: A charismatic manifestation in empty space.
Alpha particle: A fundamentalist particle with high
HTB-positive spin.
Alpha decay: Disintegration of alpha in the presence of any probing interaction.
Quark(1): six flavours:
charmed: Anglo-Catholic celebrant who knows what he is doing
strange: Anglo-Catholic celebrant who thinks he knows what he is doing
up: high-church
down: low-church
bottom: (theoretical) what an archbishop should be in the particle table
top: (observed) what an archbishop actually is in the particle table
Harmonic oscillation:
Quark(2) (silent k): Provides psalms and hymns, but definitely NOT sonks.
Orgon: Concordant binding for quarks(2).
Guitark (silent k): Anti-particle of quark(2).
The conjunction of quark(2) and guitark can result in mutual annihilation.
Rough singing by football hooligans, characterised by clique-posturing which isolates them from others
Ruff singing by full-blown Anglicons, characterised (etc.)
Evensong: Odd, non-song service, externally observed by those in the congregation.
Psalm: Fundamentally entangled with Chant at Evensong:
"Psalm en-chanted evening…"
Schrödinger's Cat(1): Bad worship band: simultaneously live and dead.
Schrödinger's Cat(2): An Anglicon property: simultaneously neither Cathon nor Proton.
Any given Anglicon's
via media state
is only determined when actual observation is made.
Neutron: Fresh Expressions.
Lepton: A bandwagon for neutrons.
Meson: Small furry church animals ("the church meson were chased by the church caton").
Caton: See meson. Not to be confused with Cathon nor Schrödinger's Cat.
Muon: Audio-frequency sound wave emitted by the church caton.
Energy sources:
Kuppa: Liquid-state energy recovery mechanism for post-Higgs gatherings of particles.
Pion: Solid-state accompaniment to the kuppa. Its floor-function decay products
become an energy source for church meson.
Jelly: Unstable, monochrome.
Induces brief, high-energy excitation in those in a juvenile state.
Unsuited to long-term sustainability.
Evanjellical: (Awaiting a definition.)
Cloud chamber: Sanctuary after incense malfunction.
Bubble chamber: Sanctuary after messy-church malfunction.
Sin: Source of all evil and wickedness.
Synod: Not to be confused with sin.
Electron: How PCC members are chosen.
Anti-electron: How General Synod members are chosen.
Vocation: A particle surrounded by an unexplained aura.
Vacation: What a Vocation does from Monday to Saturday.
Sermon: A rest state for most particles.
Spin: An attribute of a sermon.
Boron: A sermon with a long half-life.
Argon: A boron whose half-life exceeds 60 minutes.
Deacon: The world has A-list, B-list and C-list particles; the church has D-cons.
Archdeacon: Exemplary deacon; intrinsically a heavy Vocation.
Bishon: A superheavy Vocation.
Chaplon: A Vocation confined in a strange, semi-isolated state.
Gluon: Strong assymmetric binding force maintaining the entanglement of certain Chaplons
with their host Bishon.
Baryon: As the name implies, eligible to become a Bishon under transformation.
Sallyon: As the name implies, ineligible to become a Bishon under current legislation.
Carryon: The unending process to investigate Sallyon/Bishon transformation.
Currently under long-term investigation by the LHC Large Heavy Collider (a.k.a. General Synod).
Reform: A Proton grouping with twofold self-contradiction:
resistant to reform
despite being a repelling anti-particle of the Cathon, it is fully co-bound with it
in original Synod in time-dilation Carryon
Liberal: An allegedly all-embracing particle yet which illiberally repels all other particles
that, by self-reference, it deems illiberal.
Proton decay:
The Reform theory of Anglicon disintegration under the destructive influence
of non-reformed particles.
The Liberal theory of Anglicon disintegration under the destructive influence
of non-liberal particles.
Exclusion Principle: The inability of certain particle pairs to share the same state;
see boson.
Boson: A particle of opposite theological spin.
(See also Reform, Liberal, Exclusion Principle, Carryon,
Cathon/Proton, Guitark/Quark, etc.)
Gauge Boson: Gauge not that ye be not gauged.
The inspiration comes from this
Anglican Memes posting.